- Image via Wikipedia
MD Books USA wants to make your publishing dreams come true – but the truth is, you need a platform.
Traditional royalties of 10% don’t amount to much on a $10 book. That’s why you’ll need something more, unless you’re just writing for your grandkids.
We’d like to work with you to develop a product worth all the time and effort you’ve invested.
Regarding your manuscript, we ask that you send it for evaluation to an agent (whom we will recommend upon contacting us), and who will screen your work for quality and publication readiness.
Once your manuscript is ready for consideration, we’ll explore publishing options with you, including:
- Traditional publishing contracts
- Sponsored publishing
- Pay-it-forward publishing
- E-publishing
- Print-on-demand publishing
- A combination of all of the above
In conjunction with these options we also offer:
- Content editing
- Copy-editing
- Proof-reading
- Type-setting
- Cover design
- Indexing
- Ghost writing
- Book trailer marketing
MD Books USA is particularly interested in:
- Manuscripts written by physicians, chiropracters, or dentists (fiction or consumer non-fiction)
- Certain manuscripts by other health professional
- Certain manuscripts by non-health professionals, but relevant to the medical field
- Other manuscripts of outstanding merit
Genres in which we are interested
- Stories of achievement, success, or overcoming
- Fictionalized accounts of medical situations
- Medical mysteries of merit
- Spiritual and faith-related books with a medical focus
- Consumer manuals on health topics
- Books for health professionals other than textbooks
Genres in which we are NOT interested
- Vampires, new age, withcraft, atheism, erotica
- Murder mysteries
- Books containing adult language, gratuitous violence, promiscuity
- Medical textbooks
Curious about the next step? Click here.